Saturday, October 18, 2008

What Happened Najib??? grassroots informed me:-

".....DPM was at Bank Negara's open house yesterday night. Rosmah came much later, stood at Najib's table and they subsequently left"

What happened DPM?

QC or another scandal brewing???

.....considering the Selangor Sultan and 2 Tan Sris was there, it shows a lack of decorum!!!


Quillan Gornt said...

I've been shorting Negara stock for quite some time. It's served me well.

Best of joss,

Jebat BerTUAH said...

Quillan Gornt,

Created any rumours of a bank in trouble recently? you did when trying to impress Linc & Ms.Tcholok.

...then again, all western banks are in trouble. Try investing in Iceland where interest rate is 18%.

Tai-Pan of a Malaysian company.